Friday, December 31, 2010

Tell about any exciting experiences in camping.

Every story that involves me and camping is sure to have at least one exciting story. Nature and I don't get along too well, so I try to avoid camping too much. I do however love to camp with my family and go to Girls Camp with the Young Women. As long as I have a shower, bathroom, electricity and running water I can handle the camping.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tell about your handed down talents.

I have learned many things from my Mother. She was an amazing seamtress which is unfortunately one of the things I did not inherit. I did however inherit her love of cooking, baking and crafting. I remember spending lots of time in the kitchen with my Mother learning how to cook. She loved to craft and could make anything. She loved to look at items in the store then come and re-create it for less, I'd like to think I'm pretty good at that too. I also inherited my love of stamping from my Mother. She started making her own cards when I was in Middle School, and ever since then I've been in love with it.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Tell about some of the most notable people in your hometown.

There are many famous people who live in San Diego. Mario Lopez, Tony Hawk, Mayim Bialik, Whoopi Goldberg, Ted Danson and Bill Gates. The most notable in my opinion is Dr. Suess. He has contributed more to the world with his books and any other person who lived in San Diego.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Did it snow where you lived as a child? What kind of things did you do in it?

Growing up in San Diego the nearest snow was at least an hour away. While I'm sure than I wished it would snow I now am grateful that it does not snow in San Diego. I don't remember ever going to the snow to play probably because my Mom was not a fan of snow.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tell about some of your neighbors as a child, youth and adult.

Growing up my neighbors were amazing! The Riggin's were more like family than just neighbors. Alivia and Melissa were my best friends from 3-11 and their mother Cathy was like a mother to me. As a teenager my neighbor was also my seminary teacher, Heather Beck. After I moved to Utah and married Robert our neighbor was a single mom and her son who meant well but just weren't very friendly. We later moved into Robert's sister's house to save for our move to California, now that we are back in San Diego our neighbors are still the Beck's.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What are some of your favorite smells?

Hm... that's a hard one. My all time favorite scent would be vanilla and nothing smells better than cookies baking in the oven. My favorite smell found in nature is the smell of the ocean on a clear day.